Monday, Oct 9th, 2017
Last night I fell asleep after taking 0.5mg Klonopin, and I felt fine in the morning. I think I really should start weaning off the Klonopin. Seriously!
I even fell asleep after lunch. A phone call from Bonnie woke up me. After that I still felt good, but I still have a headache. Today I had my second ozone treatment. I can’t wait until tomorrow to feel the good effect of the ozone treatment.
Tuesday, Oct 10th, 2017
Same story as last night: poor sleep, but I felt better today. Maybe yesterday’s ozone treatment did help.
Dr. Hanly gave me some CBD oil, and she hopes that CBD oil can help to reduce my brain inflammation. But my new test still shows my inflammation to be pretty high. I wonder what is causing it?
Today I had a type of massage called Rolfing. I don’t feel it helps me much. I prefer the massage performed by Jesus (the massage therapist’s real first name in Spanish. I called him “Jesus” behind his back, and I could not help from laughing). All patients seem to like Jesus😍.
After lunch I did fall asleep for a while. It was not a sound sleep, but it was good enough to make feel that I am going to be a normal person soon. This is the first time since I arrived that I really fell asleep for so long, and I wanted to announce it to the world!
I have been in stem cell treatment for 16 days and I consider that I have been in 3 phases:
Phase one: I felt depressed and suicidal constantly, and I layed on the couch all the time.
Phase two: I took walks wandering alone the golf course, and I was unable to feel at peace.
Phase three: I started to feel at peace, and I was able to fall asleep after lunch.

Laird does not have to waste his time staying here 🙂
Wednesday, Oct 11th, 2017
I did not sleep well last night. I took 0.5mg of Klonopin and CBD oil. I felt aches all over my body because of the massage I had yesterday. But in general, my mood is good today.
I had a stem cells facial today. I felt uncomfortable during the treatment, but I look forward to seeing the results tomorrow.
My new blood test shows that my inflammation is still high, and I hope this is a process and I am making real progress.
It is like a miracle that I slept 2 hours after lunch today😏.
Thursday, Oct 12th, 2017
Again, I did not sleep well last night, but today I took a 2-hour nap after lunch. I still have headaches, but my mood is good. Lora gave me a message. She said she would give me an acupuncture needle at the spot where I had too much stress. Now the IV I am receiving is pretty simple: only Vit C and stem cells. Tomorrow I will have my third ozone treatment.
Friday, Oct 13th, 2017
Last night I slept better. I did not take Klonopin to fall asleep, but I woke up in the middle of the night and at about 4:00 AM and had to take 0.375 mg of Klonopin to fall back to sleep. What borders me now is that I still have headaches and ringing in my brain. I look forward to cutting the Klonopin to 0.25mg.
I took a nap after lunch. I believe I have turned the corner: 18 days of stem cell treatment has turned me away from dying to living a real life! I have been sharing my experience with a few of my friends who also suffer from Lyme. I have been doing this ever since my retest showed that my Bartonella was gone.
Saturday, Oct 14th, 2017
I fasted to get my blood tested in this morning. I am looking forward to knowing what my inflammation level is. I still have headaches, and that means the inflammation is not going away. However, these are normal headaches, and my burning sensation is long gone. I was unable to take a nap after lunch. I hope I will have a good night’s sleep tonight. I feel pretty tired now.
Sunday, Oct 15th, 2017
Last night I had to go back to taking 0.375mg of Klonopin to fall asleep. I feel fine today. Heidi will be arriving today, and she will move into this condo with me and Laird. I will offer her some rice with chicken for lunch, and I wouldn’t mind going to a nearby organic restaurant with her if she would like to go out to eat.
Monday, Oct 16th, 2017
The new blood test result still shows that my inflammation at 29 (the normal range is 0-15). This is not good news. However it explains why I am still unable to sleep. So if the inflammation is lower than 15, my sleep problem should be gone. Hopefully the ringing will be gone too.
My mood is good even though I did not have enough sleep. Today I had my 4th ozone treatment. I believe this is the last ozone treatment I will get.
Tuesday, Oct 17th, 2017
I cut the Klonopin to 0.25mg last night. I think I was able to do so because of the ozone treatment. Laird is thinking going back home tomorrow. It should be fine with me. I think I can be independent.
OMG! Jesus gave me a wonderful massage today. He was able to find all the spots where I felt stressful.
Wednesday, Oct 18th, 2017
Again, I did not sleep well last night. I think I had some anxiety related to Laird’s departure. Because of that, Laird decided to stay even though it means he will have to waste his plane ticket. I think I may stay one more week because I need to get my inflammation down.
I ordered Annie Hopper’s DVDs. I believe it will help me because my infections and toxins are almost all gone by now.
Today I also received my second Iron infusion. I did not have any reaction.
Thursday, Oct 19th, 2017
Last night I was in real trouble. My whole body was trembling in the middle of the night, and I was unable to stop moving my legs. Laird got scared and he knocked on Heidi’s room. Eventually in the middle of the night I went to an emergency room at St. Luke’s Hospital nearby. The doctor did not know what to do, and eventually he discharged me after giving me 0.5mg Klonopin. Thanks to Heidi’s help as Laird needed some support at that point.
Today Dr. Hanly suspected my incident was related to my trying to reduce Klonopin too fast. I actually disagree with her, but I did not point it out. I think it has to do with the iron transfusion.
Friday, Oct 20th, 2017
I feel better today. I do believe that it was the iron transfusion that made me so sick Wednesday night. I have been talking to a few friends online, and some of them are considering to come for treatment at Stemaid.
Saturday, Oct 21th, 2017
Last night I was back to 0.5mg Klonopin, and I feel very bad now. I did not get much sleep last night. At this moment I am worried. I want Laird to go home, but I can’t stay here alone. This is a very difficult decision. Mom stayed at home all this time taking care of the kids, and she has injured her legs and her feet by walking too much. The kids have to go to school by themselves. Laird needs to go home to deal with many issues.
I hope it is the iron transfusion that makes me feel so bad and that all my bad feelings will be gone soon. I do hope today is the last day that I feel bad!
Sunday, Oct 22th, 2017
Yesterday was a difficult day. Last night I had to take 0.75mg of Klonopin, and I feel better today.
I need to go home in one week, but I worry about my inflammation.
Monday, Oct 23th, 2017
I still have headaches. Dr. Hanly gave me a bottle of turmeric. I have a Vit C IV today. Tomorrow will be my 5th ozone treatment. I hope all these treatments will lower my inflammation!
Tuesday, Oct 24th, 2017
Bad! I took 0.75mg of Klonopin last night. However, I feel fine today.
Wednesday, Oct 25th, 2017
I felt better last night. I took 0.5mg Klonopin as Dr. Hanly suggested. Today Dr. Hanly suggested that I go home to quit the Klonopin, then I can come back in the near future to do a short detox. I think it is a good idea, and I think I have been here for too long. I think I can use Chinese herbs to help quit Klonopin at home. It worked once before.
Thursday, Oct 26th, 2017
Inflammation! Inflammation! My new blood test shows that I still have inflammation with a level of 27! Dr. Hanly said I could go home to wean off Klonopin, and then maybe I can have a short detox after….
Friday, Oct 27th, 2017
Last night I took 0.5mg of Klonopin, and my sleep was poor. I am feeling pretty good today, and we already bought tickets to fly back home tomorrow.
Today: 11/14/2017
I have been steadily improving since I came home. I have reduced my Klonopin from 0.5mg to 0.25mg. I am waiting for my Chinese herbs to come, and I think that will help me further. My energy is also increasing, and I have been keeping myself very busy getting the house organized, as well as organizing the kids activities. I am no longer a mom who is always lying in bed. I also started re-connecting to my friends and restarted my social life. I plan to have the best Thanksgiving ever.
As of today I still have headaches, but I found out that I have a bad tooth. I will see how much I improve after my tooth is fixed. My sleep is better but not normal yet. One thing I would like to mention is that I am definitely not that mold sensitive, and I have started going to church without trouble.
In all of my notes and posts, I never mentioned that I had a very horrible symptom, that is I cycled every 48 hours before stem cell treatment. I would have one depressed day and then one regular day. Two weeks after the stem cell treatment started my cycling ended. I did a lot of research for this severe condition, and I know that all main-stream medical professionals, without knowing what caused it, would attach a horrible label to this and load me up with drugs. In those kinds of panic moments, I did see a few psychiatrists in the past, but I bit my tongue never took those drugs. I know that these neuro-toxins would literally kill me in the end. I had the worst lesson from psychiatric drugs when I was young, and I am not going to add further comments. I just want anyone who reads my post realizes that I am not native about conventional treatments for my conditions. I have been fighting for my life, I have been fighting for finding a real cure for a real disease. I hope that my story can inspire even one more person to find his/her own path to recovery. Here I welcome everyone who has similar interests keep an eye one my updates.
Happy Thanksgiving! And I am here to thank everyone who has helped and supported me through the darkest time in my life.