Dec. 23 2016
Oh well, time just flies. I have been at SWI for 6 weeks already! This week is the “kill” week, that is, I have been given antibiotics for the whole week (5 days). My treatment protocol is the most aggressive one as far as I know. Others who came at the same time as I came have not reached this stage. I’ve reacted to the treatment pretty well so far, and it seems to me it is “just right”. Every day of the week, after being given the IV, I would feel tired with a headache and with other aches and pains here or there. However, after a night of sleep, the next day I bounce back. So this is very encouraging.
This week I see that a few young girls recovered and are ready to go. I am so happy to see that they have reclaimed their lives! This means so much for patients who are young and bright. I also see those who are still seriously struggling, and I wish them the best luck.
Even though I try very hard to keep quiet, I can still see that there are many ways for SWI to improve their service. As a current patient, I am not in a position to give comments.
I will have another Fry Laboratory blood test and an infectious disease panel before the New Year. By then I hope I will have a picture as to when I can leave. As for now, I will enjoy Christmas in Florida but miss my home so much!