I have been working with Daerick for only 2 weeks. I want to start writing my testimonial and get an update every 2 weeks.
Two weeks ago, I was devastated: severe digestive issues – I could not digest any food at all. The only food I ate was sweet potatoes, one soft stir fried egg per meal, a few pieces of chicken per meal, a little bit of organic greens, and maybe some millet. That was all I could eat but I was not able to get any bowel movement naturally, so I had to do colonic, or drank laxative tea/herbs in order to get things passed out. Food got fermented in my gut and came out as complete undigested food. For example, I can see orange sweet potatoes with fibers in what I passed. In addition, my urine was bright orange to almost red. My mood was at it worst – 24/7 unstoppable racing thoughts. The worst characteristic was in fact I cycled every 48 hours. I was not able to breath freely, and I lain in bed 24 hours a day even I never be able to fall asleep without drugs . Some days I would not even brushed my teeth before noon. My head was burning 24/7 with high pitch noises. Depression mixed with unbearable anxiety attacks in any waking hours. I seriously doubt if hell could be worse than this. I was not able to see my kids for days in a roll, and I was not able to join the family for any meals for months. No doctors could offer any constructive help. In my desperation, two weeks prior to my start with Daerick, I went to ER, and the doctor was very concerned and he thought I must have some cancer in my organs. So he ordered a CT scan, ultra sound, and X rays, and he took lot of blood from me. Yes, my system was compromised, but there was nothing “really wrong” in his eyes. He discharged me by saying: ” Congratulations! You are cancer free.” My husband and my mother were relief but what was I supposed to feel? I wished I had a diagnosis, so even I died, I had an answer to my life. I was so angry on my way home and calculating how much value of my life remained, and how long could I hand on like this?
But deep down I knew I am a hard fighter, and I refused to give up. I had been working on finding an energy healer for one year and I had spent a few thousand to get enough lessons already. I knew God had an answer for me, and I was hard-headed enough to believe that had to be some energy healing that could heal me, even I was not lucky enough to have met the right person (energy healer). I kept testing different energy healers and when I was deciding to go to ER I was working with someone who charged me for deposits for a 4 months treatment. I decided to break away from her even it meant I would have to lose my deposit. I must find The Right One.
I ended up talking to a self claim famous/high level energy healer who seemed to know a lot, but after my consultation with him, he said: your case is too tough for me, but I am going to refer you to some one I respect very much. Then I followed his direction to make contact to an energy healer in Sedona, AZ. A few days later, I received a note from this energy healer. I am copying it as follow:
“Hi Jun,Thank you for contacting me. I have sent you some spiritual helpers to assist you. I am not going to take you as a client. You have accumulated a lot of negative energies. Please try to turn your thinking to the positive aspects of your life and accept the help of the spiritual teams that are with you. Continuing to think negatively will attract more of the same into your life. I am sorry that I cannot do more for you at this time.“
So at that point I thought I was beyond saved. I assumed even energy healers thought I was far gone. I was about giving up when I found Daerick’s website. Since he offered a free consultation, so I gathered enough courage to give him a call. Surprisingly, not only he could sense how bad I felt and he also could determine that there was a virus in my brain or maybe the rest of my body. In addition he was able to tap into my childhood, saying things that burdened me but no other people know. At that point I had severe OCD, and I kept asking him if he thought I was too difficult a case. He did not think so. He said he would refund me the money if I did not feel any improvements after 2 weeks/ 4 treatments. Since I had nothing to lose I decided to give it a try. For the first 10 days, I could not control myself by telling him how bad I felt, and I was about to give up. But after 10 days, I was able to get out of my bed. That day was Wednesday Feb 20. On Thursday, I started to pick things up here or there in the house. On Friday, I felt I wanted to make new plans for my future. Saturday morning I went to a Chinese grocery store and I bought a roast duck for my kids and I ate some too. (I had severe leaky gut and food intolerance and I have not touched roast duck for a good long time.) Also I started to sit with my family for the meal. In the afternoon, we went to a mountain (5000 ft) to enjoy the last chance of the season playing with the snow. Monday yesterday, I went to Mexico to see a dental specialist. Today is Tuesday, I feel indeed life is getting better, and it is the first moment for a long time that I feel there is hope in my life.
Yesterday Daerick told me that my recovery just started. There is a way to go to fulfill my potential. Yeah, I am anticipating !
Honestly, I have to mention that alone with Daerick’s work, I also diligently do absolutely anything at home that can help me to recover. But before starting with Daerick, I was too tired to even raise my eyes to look at my kids.
This is the testimonial after two weeks working with Daerick. I will continue my testimonial in about two weeks.
– Jun from San Diego Feb 26, 2019