18 weeks have passed. This last week was devoted to cleaning up my system. My infectious disease panel from the 17th week indicated I still have 4 bands of infections. Compared to 5 bands from the previous one, and 3 bands from an earlier week, I hope this indicates that I am approaching the end of my treatment. My industrial toxins also showed progress, and this is very encouraging. On Tuesday or Wednesday I expect to have my Fry Laboratory test result back, and at that time I will see the overall picture as to where I am now. My earlier Fry Laboratory test showed that my biofilm had been busted open, and the images of my red blood cells showed that I still had many infections. Dr. Sponaugle commented at that point that I had more infections than toxins. He also commented that my system is very tough to have gone through the most aggressive protocol to kill the bacteria. He said: “I wonder how you can manage to look so good going through such tough treatment. Maybe it is your Asian genes.” I don’t know if he is correct, but I hope I am close to the end of the treatment.
In my personal life I was under great stress because of my Florida living arrangement. My mother and I moved out of the shared Florida apartment, and we rented a two-bed-room apartment 6 miles away for ourselves. My Mom is still with me, and Thank God for her support! Now I am settled and I hope I am seeing the end of the treatment. Once I go home to my family in San Diego, I still will have to actively detox, but that will be OK. I will apply the knowledge I learned here, and at home I will have a very healthy life style.
Today I am enjoying the lovely Florida sunshine and a nice breeze blowing from the lake near our new apartment. My high school friend helped me rent a car and the internet is set up. So my life is back in one piece. My focus is to get well and to get home. My prayer: God, please continue to guide me and pave my path to a total recovery.