I only met her once; that was in April 2018 in Los Cabos, Mexico. I could hardly remember her name when she reached me after I published my first update in late July. Oh, I remembered her right away. I would call her Ms M. Yes she and I were the sickest at the clinic in April and I was too tired to even talk to her but just acknowledge that we were on the same boat. Somehow we hooked up on Facebook and when she read my update right away she asked: “What helped you to recover?” Then she told me she apparently went homeless given her severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS): she could not stay in any indoor place, and not even able to go on to a plane, etc etc. She was so worried that she believed she would die soon since things are so far out of control. My heart sank and if I could do anything to help her I would. I told her that she needed to settle down, maybe she could stay with her mother or her sibling, then we could discuss the steps she could take to get well. But she sent me more and more messages telling me that she could stay no place, and no one was able to help her… Her messages really hurt me, as it was not too long ago I worried I would die because no one was able to help me. At that time, my health and my relationships at home were in a total mass. My dear friend Julie from Vancouver said something like this: Jun, we would have gone homeless already if we were not supported by our spouse. Thankfully now both Julie and I are on safe ground! But my heart bleeds for Ms M as she has gone so far and is in real danger. I can’t forget how depressed I was in my most depressed days in a depressed winter in Boston years ago😣😣… But now I just feel so bad as I have no clue how I can give her a hand. I could only pray for a late winter, and pray for her to find a safe place soon. I posted a message on Wechat, a Chinese social platform. I received a message from a friend living in Boston who suggested she could help. But after I described Ms M’s condition, I heard no further response. A very kind lady from LA said she had a friend who is in a very similar situation and desperately needs help. After hearing some details about this other homeless lady in LA, I just felt helpless. I couldn’t hold back my tears. So many lovely people are struggling just to stay in life.
I have no clue how many doctors have heard about MCS, let alone know how to treat it. I am lucky enough to have someone’s help so I could access Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol. I offered Ms M to try the protocol I am using, but she needs to get settled first and she needs to be calm enough to take directions. Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol is not cheap as it involves at least 20 different high quality supplements and she needs some financial assistance for that. Hearing my proposal, Ms M insisted that nothing could possibly help her, she would die… I know she is trying her best to hold on, she loves life and this beautiful world, but she just could not see anyway out of her current dreadful situation… I shed tears for her, I pray God to find a way to help her out – God, please save a beautiful soul🌸.