寶麒寫了篇文章《養貓好還是養狗好?》,被老師作為範文在班上朗讀。原來美國老師也喜歡樹代表 !寶麒在這篇文章論述了貓和狗有什麼分別,要養寵物的話,養貓好還是養狗好?最後她總結:真理站在貓那邊!她爸爸在背後的評價: “寶麒的寫作能力,論證能力遠超出小學五年級的水平。” 我一直認為,一個家庭一定要有一位能寫文章的,這樣才能應對不時之需,讓生活有個保證。看來寶麒確實有寫文章的能力。
Cats V.S. Dogs Essay
If you happen to be sitting in the pet store or an animal shelter, take notice how the cats and dogs are different from each other in terms of behavior. The cats are sitting quietly with each other, minding their own business or playing harmlessly. The dogs, however, are barking loudly, causing a ruckus. Dogs are also commonly kept in small kennels, unable to interact with each other. Why? Probably because they are too rough with each other and some aggressive dogs will even fight with the others to establish the title of “Alpha” or “pack leader”, and while their separation may be because the shelter is afraid that they might transmit a communicable virus to each other, I’ve seen cats housed together within an animal shelter and the shelter doesn’t seem to mind, especially because indoor cats are generally extremely passive. I am certain that cats make much better companions than dogs for many reasons, but a few are that they aren’t noisy, they do not demand much care or attention, are intelligent enough to entertain themselves, and do not disturb guests.
Unlike dogs, cats are not noisy. While many dogs will bark loudly, most cats will remain quiet, only yowling when scared, hurt, or extremely displeased. Or if they are extremely pleased they might let out a loud purr. It is not uncommon to hear a loud dog barking from across the street, but unless the cat was hurt, you’d never hear a cat from that far away. The saying as quiet as a cat even states this. And if you’re in school, you most likely need to study or complete assignments, and many people enjoy a quiet environment. Many dogs will disturb you and demand attention, but a cat won’t bother you beyond sitting on your lap.
Cats do not demand much attention either. This reduces the workload you’d need to carry to support a pet cat. If you are not a person with much free time, this is suitable because you wouldn’t have to further reduce your time with pet maintenance duties, as the biggest responsibility you may have (and one of the only) is cleaning the litter box. One of the biggest reasons that many pet owners lean towards cats is because their fur is easy to maintain; particularly, cats don’t even require humans to groom them! (With the exception of long-haired cat breeds.)
Cats are extremely intelligent and are definitely intelligent enough to entertain themselves. A dog will need to be walked, and active outdoor activities are needed to be supplied in many cases. But tie string, a feather, and a hollow ball with a bell inside of it to a stick mount the stick a couple feet off the ground, and your cat will entertain itself for hours. This is especially favorable for people who are busy. Cats won’t mind if their owner is gone all day, as long as they give the cat some attention. Similarly, cats can be left alone at home while you are on a trip.
Maybe you’ve once gone over to a friend’s house. But instead of being greeted by your host, you’re greeted by the dog. Throughout the whole visit, the dog is following you around. And no one wants their reputation lowered on account of their family pet. Now, think about going into someone’s house where they have a cat. Rarely is a cat up on their hind legs begging for attention from the guest. Many times, cats will be more than satisfied to watch from afar or find a cozy spot under the couch and sleep the visit through.
While it is true that service dogs do great deeds for the handicapped and they deserve to be respected, this is no reason why cats can’t help as well. There are many emotional support cats, and even though emotional support animals are not officially counted as service animals, they can still help with anxiety or any other emotional problem. Many dogs wouldn’t be fit to help people in need of emotional support because they are just too rough and time-consuming.
Overall, cats seem optimal for the busiest of people who still seek an animal companion. This pet is best for students in school, as they are quiet, cats’ maintenance is relatively low, they are easy to satisfy and are very clever, and don’t bother guests. I hope you’ve been convinced that a cat is the right choice of a pet!